Energy Monitor 4 – Battery and Charge Monitor for Wear OS Watches, Android Phones and Tablets
The new SW Energy Monitor rolls out on the play store this week. Version 4 is a complete rebuild with a range of new and improved features. You can now monitor your smartphone or tablet battery as well as all of your connected Wear OS watches from one place. A reintroduction SW Energy Monitor 4 […]
3 years ago
A Better Speedometer For Cyclists – What’s new in Velocity 1.3
Conceived, trialled and tested on the streets of Amsterdam, Velocity was forged to be an exciting new experience for the everyday cyclist. As an avid driver, my aim was to combine the thrill of motoring into everyday cycling; and the smartwatch was the perfect tool to make this possible. With the dawn of the of […]
7 years ago
Voltage And Charge Rate Monitoring – What’s New In Ion Energy Monitor 2.0
Although battery technology has improved tremendously over the years, shrinking in size and growing in capacity, daily lifespans of these batteries have seemingly been at a standstill. New devices heavily laden with new sensors and high-performance apps take full advantage of these advancements as soon as they’re released; whilst improvements to battery life often go […]
7 years ago
Maintaining Steady Speeds With Mobile Cruise Control Guidance
It’s always good to know how fast you’re travelling. While cycling in busy towns alongside cars and larger vehicles, and over uneven or slippery terrain, limiting your speed and maintaining a steady pace may reduce your chances of accident or injury. Having an awareness of your speed gives you a greater understanding of the physical […]
7 years ago
[Link] Interview with Wareable: Why watch faces need to get more fashionable
When we talk about what smartwatches should do or be capable of, we often overlook the most important thing of all: they need to tell the time. The way it tells that time is often what distinguishes a dumb watch from a smart one. Whether you’re staring down at an Apple Watch or the Michael Kors Access Sofie, you have […]
7 years ago
Cycle Safe With Strobe – A Wearable Blinker And Torch App for Wear OS
SW Strobe is a convenient and flexible strobe light and torch for your Android Wear smart watch. Designed for the safety of cyclists, the highly visible strobe light gives you three colour options and adjustable speed. Alternatively you may use it as a torch — one that’s easily accessible from your wrist at all times. Usage caution: […]
8 years ago
Improve Your Cycling And Measure Performance With Velocity For Wear OS
Enhance your cycling and driving experience with this versatile GPS speedometer with cruise control and journey tracking for Android Wear and Mobile. Cruise control assists you in maintaining a steady and safe pace while traveling. Set your target speed and be guided with pulses of vibration to raise your awareness of speed while you’re focused […]
8 years ago
Battery Life Monitoring And Prediction With Ion Energy Monitor for Android/Wear OS
Keep tabs on your smart watch battery performance with drain rate monitoring, low-battery warnings in advance and life span predictions. See detailed live statistics on your handheld and wearable displays to track performance over time, and always know way in advance how long your watch battery will last for the day. Usage: Please ensure that […]
8 years ago
An App To Keep Your Android/Wear OS Watch Screen On
Cola is a convenient switch for your Wear OS watch that allows you to keep your screen on full brightness for taking photos and videos. Be warned that this may use up a lot of battery power very quickly. View more details here, and download on Google Play:
8 years ago
Personalise Your Smart Watch With New Styles for Android/Wear OS
Strange Watch is a new brand of cycling apps, utility apps and customisable watch face styles for Android™ Wear smart watches, and a project to explore their potential for fashion and practicality. You can freely explore different colour combinations to match your outfit and lifestyle. Our designs are inspired by the simplicity of classic watches, […]
8 years ago